Saturday, May 22, 2010

Russian Chess Takeover

With the FIDE election heating up between the incumbent Kirsan Ilyumzhinov and challenger Anatoly Karpov, Julia Ioffe adds fuel to the fire when she posted her report at True/Slant Kremlin seizes Russian Chess Federation offices.

FIDE reports nothing of this but Chessbase does:
Last week the RCF nominated Anatoly Karpov as their candidate for the Presidency of FIDE. This was verbally contested by the supporters of incumbent Kirsan Ilyumzhinov. Today black suited men from the private security firm “Peper” arrived at the Federation’s offices, kicked out the regular security guards and sealed off some rooms in the building. Report in True/Slant + Karpov's reaction.
Men in black taking over the offices, forcing the security men out and sealing off rooms sounds like an alien-like invasion right? Now I won't be surprised since Kirsan Ilyumzhinov had this alien abduction experience we all read some days ago.  

Now will we see in the next few days?

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