Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sunday Film Festival

Compared to most Sunday mornings I have had in the last six years, I can say I had at least one today that will definitely be within the Top 5 Worst Sunday Mornings of my Life! For what it's sake and what it's for, it was a big shit!

I slept noon time after I finished watching Push. The past week while in bed I tried watching and finishing this film but dozed off before the middle of the show. Today I finally did it and I can say it was better watching it than savoring my not-so-savory-emotional-state. Everyone was out of the house except for me in the bedroom and our hired "plantsadora" in the garage. After an hour of sleep I got up and saw the film Transporter 1 and 2.   I thought I'd finish the last part of the trilogy but middle of the sequel I felt like I have had too much of the fight scenes and car chase where the hero, Frank Martin always win with little or no scratch at all.

I say the film festival I had was enough for me to get through my Sunday, bloody Sunday! Nothing much to cheer for , not even my newly found confidence in my writing and shooting photos.  Life can be so shitty and yet hopeful. If there's anything I look forward to right now is the fact that life is constantly changing and that we humans are always open for it.

Since nobody would even care to look into this, let me say this for the one inside my being "Hang on there Francis!"

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