Monday, May 17, 2010

World Chess Championship 2010 Part 2

This is the second part of our post about the World Chess Championship match between Vishy Anand and Veselin Topalov. As we all know, Indian Vishy Anand retained his crown with a close score of 6.5 - 5.5 with everyone saying Vishy played in the home turf of his opponent and winning in the regular 12 round regulation.

Chessbase has compiled videos, write ups and reader comments from their website and I'm sharing the link: Vishy Anand News Compilation.

I've been wanting to post PGN files from the 5th to the 12th round games of the World Chess Championships and so here is the second set of games:

There goes my compilation of the 12 games from the World Chess Championship. If I find the inspiration and time, I will post the games Anand and Topalov played since 2006. But for now, let us all try to learn from the Catalan and Queen's Gambit games.

See ya!

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