Thursday, May 13, 2010

Proof of Election Violence in RP

I did a live coverage of the May 10 election here and it helped that I had my old-school transistor radio (wish!) and TV switched on for news flash even the internet could not get a hand on. With most of the PCOS machines failing and long queue in almost 98% of the precints in the archipelago, it didn't help that there were reports of shooting and vote-buying.

Around 5 in the afternoon most of the COMELEC officials were already declaring the polls to be a success and violence free. Days after, it is evident that everyone agrees with the COMELEC people but the video below says otherwise:

And if you still don't believe what your eyes just saw, watch this video too!

And to prove my point, let me for the last time share another video and this time, it's Russia Today reporting:

What's in public post that we have to kill our fellow Filipinos?

1 comment:

  1. sadly, these are common occurances every election time in our country. . .


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