Saturday, March 6, 2010

Disappointing Talentado's Winner

A big disappointment for the 1st Talentadong Pinoy grand winner!

The Yoyo Tricker won over the likes of Makata Tawanan, Far East Acrobats (members are from one family), Wanlu the Ventriloquist, Omar the ladder balancer, Bea Patricia and some other great, great performers.

Let's say the Yoyo boy tricked us all and went home with the 1 M cash prize and the 1st ever Talentadong Pinoy title. Yes he did his yoyo repertoire with an all-Michael Jackson song background. Nothing great really if compared to what the other contestants have done tonight.

Makata Tawanan, our cerebral poet-slash-stand-up-comedian made brought the house down. Alessandra de Rossi simply said:
"Lahat nakatawa pag ikaw ang nasa stage"
I felt the earth move during Makata's performance!

The Far East Acrobats opened the show and rightly so, they set the mood in fiesta swing. Beautiful and death defying performance that could have won just like Makata's!

Far East's acrobatics:

Here's one of Makata's performance during the weekly rounds:

He was my bet!

There were two female singers but the first one was so good. Director Joey suggested to the board of TV 5 to give her a recording deal.  Great one!

These are some of the contestants performance stuck in my head and nowhere was the yoyo tricker in my mind. Now for whatever factor in the judging procedures has, Talentadong Pinoy's first is a fluke! It is a fake and it doesn't live up to it's name which is the main reason why Ryan Agoncillo's show became such a big thing every Saturday nights!

Don't get me wrong I have no personal relationship with any of the contestants of the show and I would not gain anything for siding with the other contestants!

Watch this video and if you find anything spectacular for him to earn the title, chime in:

Ryan Agoncillo, it is a big, big disappointment to see the Yoyo Tricker win the 1st Grand Winner of Talentadong Pinoy!

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