Monday, January 18, 2010

Earthquake in Manila 2010

Heard from a co-worker awhile ago about this scientific prediction of an earthquake that's about to happen in the City of Manila with a magnitude of 7. With all the happenings of natural disasters namely earthquakes and typhoons, it's only a matter of time before the Philippines get the jolt.

I was in second year high school when the earthquake hit Luzon with 7.8 and I was in the school then. I will never forget the events before the shake that day. It rained so hard in the morning. By lunch time, it stopped then the sun went up so hot that all the water poured seemed to dry instantly. Then in the afternoon, there was a lull which everyone simply ignored. Around 4 in the afternoon or mid-hour of it, it hit us.

I will never know the real scare because I came out of the disaster alive but when I went home, everyone was walking and that all the telephones didn't have any tones. I was fourteen then.

But the news scared me. Having three children and a loving wife, I just don't know how scared to death I'll be if it happens when I'm not with my family. All I know is this "Prayers, prayers and more prayers!"

Anyways, here is a link you can all visit to learn more about earthquakes in in our country: "Philippine Earthquake Historical Catalog: it's development, current state and future directions."

And if you find that a headscratcher, let me direct you to Philippines Earthquake Information, all the things you need in one stop.

For typhoons and weather conditions, visit Manila Observatory.

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