Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Laoag City And The Sun

Hi guys!

Got an email, did chat and received a link from UP Manila Chess Club President Michael Co. It had something to do with the sun.

Yes, the sun that gives light during the day, gives warmth during cold weather and one of the main elements of photosynthesis.

By the way, Michael is scheduled to present his research paper in the US of A sometime this summer break. He is presently on his 3rd yr INTARMED Program of the UP College of Medicine. This is a specialized course of the College which is a super quota course. There are lots of quota courses in the State U but this one is super quota course, it allows only the TOP 10 UPCAT passers to enroll in their program.

Anyways, here is the link of Michael Co's Multiply: Eclipse?

Mike told me he was and still is in Laoag City when he took those shots.

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