Friday, April 10, 2009

International Day Celebration

It was a long day for me and my ward. The school celebrated International day today with theater show, art exhibits and food festival.

As for me, I enjoyed the theater show and the art exhibit which I had the chance to see on my own while guests, teachers and students were busy lining for their food. Had some really superb works created by the students and I'll be posting the photos next time.

After that, I asked our driver to bring me to marche' (market) for coffee break and a taste of the night market in Ifrane. It was my first to be in marche' and at 8:45 pm, the place was busy with folks having dinner and some last minute buying. It was a typical market scene without the noise.

Under the beautiful moonlight, yes it was a full moon, I shared that tiring coffee break and with Sadik. He would not stop asking me for English words. Although it can be really irritating, the teacher in me just adore his perseverance in acquiring new English words everyday he is with me.

Anyways, my sister in New York just told me that she's transferring to another Unified School District as a Special Ed teacher. Although Uncle Sam's educational system gears toward the progressive curriculum, it's a wonder why those Americans prefer mostly Filipino teachers who are mostly educated in a traditional curriculum. America is truly an international nation.

Most of my friends are in there too working as Special Needs teachers and taking care of Sam's sick children. It's a thing of beauty whenever I see people from almost all nations gather and celebrate a special day.

Well, it's getting late now and I need to go. I've started crossing out the numbers on my calendar. The day for me is July 18, my going home time. I miss the Philippines so much but I think my beloved country can wait for me.

For now I'll earn while I learn and I learn while I travel!

In my world of Christianity, we are in our Semana Santa or in English, Holy Week. The moon is full and there's a lot of life going on in my life!

Hope you all too!

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