Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Haircut in Morocco

I failed!

I wanted to keep my 3-month old beard-goatee-moustache until I go back in the Philippines in July. By then My facial hair would have been 6 months old and can claim a spot on Kiko's Guinness Book of Personal Records.

Along with my facial are my head hair. I thought I can hold off the temptation to go neat and clean but I was wrong. My subcons telling me to shave and have a haircut, Moroccan barber shop!

Nice delicate job from the man!

It took him an hour to finish the hair job which back home would take 30 minutes. I found the guys handiwork nice, bordering on suave-iness!

Cost me 30 Dirhams plus 10 for his tip and both of us parted ways smiling!

One important thing: Language matters but if all else fail, use GESTURES with barely audible grunts and sighs when you like what the guy with the scissors is doing to your precious, crowning glory.

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