Wednesday, April 30, 2008

My Houdini's Act

Hey there!

As I prepare myself to stay away from my chess activity (including my posting's here in our blog) to buckle down to work, I thought of playing OTB games with my 4 blocks away neighbor Gilbert last Saturday, 8PM till 12 PM.

As we were both working Padre de pamilya, both with 3 young kids, we had to wait to put the kids to sleep and made sure our loving-chess-envious wives were happy with their Saturday night TV jams before we played 30-30 games in his place.

Yes I won 8 games, lost twice and drew once against him. The draw still lingers in my head and probably rocks Gilbert's brain out to the hilt.

Here is the drawn game :

I was white and he just made his move h4-h3. All my rook checks to the black King leads to a draw. A capture would definitely end the game into draw immediately. The highs I always look forward to especially when I'm down and almost out.

What happened was I moved my rook on f4+ and he captured with his pawn. That's when I said "draw pare!' To his dismay and to my moon and back grin on my face!

What you think? Really a draw?


  1. no its not a drwaish position, black must not take the rook, you go away until the check block by the bishop.

  2. not a draw sir.
    a possible variant:

    1 Rf4+ Kh5
    2 Rh4+ Kg6
    3 Rh6+ Kf5
    4 Rf6+ Ke4
    5 Rf4+ Kd3
    6 Rf3 Be3 -+

  3. in the first place, why h4-h3?
    why not a bishop move or a rook move?
    2 connected pawns and another protected pawn plus a bishop, why didn't you resign immediately?
    i think you should better resign than to have drawn your game with a blunder on one side and with that position and number of pieces, it's illogical to continue the game.

  4. instead of h3 black should have played king g3 with a forced mate on h2.
    and if rook f2 the only move, then king takes f2, king h2 and its over.



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