Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Isle of Lewis Chessmen

The Isle of Lewis Chessmen belongs to whom? Should they stay where they are or should they go back to Scotland? Controversy as to where it should be placed is highly debatable as both parties have a case in point, legal and historical.

I've never eally taken time out to read up on these "precious" which is believed to be the oldest chess set in the world right now but when I received a copy of an article about it, I had to give in and read more about them.

What I've learned so far? The pieces are made of ivory, discovered in 1831 in a sandbank at the head of the Bay of Uig on the west coast of Isle of Lewis. Harry Potter series uses a chess set modelled out of these.

My further readings direct me here and here. The British Museum too has something to say about The Lewis Chessmen. Wikimedia Commons has a nice photogallery here.

Treasures found, controversies abound!

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