Thursday, July 2, 2009

Drawn game?

What is the best continuation here for black? Is this position a draw? Can we say this is the endgame? Or we are still in the middle game? With the presence of both queens, many for sure would say the game still is in the middle phase.

But it gives the feeling that the game is already in the final phase. This is an adjourned game of mine from FICS. My opponent just went off after my white move of Ne3. I still had 7 minutes and 30 seconds and him 33 seconds.

Since last night, I have had 3 drawish endgames but I went on to press for a win which cost me all of those three games. From the position below, I feel it would be better to draw this one. My opponent, just like the three previous ones has higher rating points than mine. But still, with my Q+N+B against his Q+B+B, I have a slight advantage right?

Oh well!

After 42. Ne3


  1. kiko, marami pang pawns, masisip mag-maneuver. my idea here is to exchange the light squares Bs so that your N can jump around like the Doors' rider on the storm.

  2. hello kiko,

    i lost your e-mail, hindi ko 2loy mapa-post sa u ang mga chesstivities ng MERALCO Chess Club.


  3. I assume black played a waiting move here with his bishop like Be6. One idea I have is to sac a pawn by playing your knight to e5 and after Be5 fe Qe5 then Bh7 and you're in for attack along the white squares. If black covers with Qf7 then you could play Bg6 then queens moves and then you can try to penetrate via Qb3 or along the C file. Your bishop is defended by your h pawn. You'll have some active play rather than a draw when both his bishops are blocked in.


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