Saturday, June 20, 2009

Professionalize Chess

Hi there!

Have not posted for the past few days but I have been playing at FICS almost every night and have been training with tactics at and Chess Tactics Server. I placed second again this time in a 5 minute tourney at FICS, reached my highest 2000+ performance rating at but saw my 1400+ rating on chess tactics server go down to 1200+ rating.

Just like the stock exchange, things can be so rumbly and twisty when the world is shaky!

About our post for today, I found a good thread at PinoyChess Informe about chess coaches. Names were posted and promoted. Good reviews and good exchanges. So far so good but while reading the thread I thought of one simple question about chess in the Philippines.

Chess is in the schools now, chess is on the streets, chess is found online, chess is everywhere! This is good news for all of us! NCFP and DepEd working together for chess development on a nationwide scale is awesome.

How do we professionalize chess?

Paid tournaments? Paid expenses for the players whenever they join tourneys? For sure teachers who would teach the subject will have their bank accounts loaded with chess related deposits.

Has anyone thought of going to Professional Regulation Commission and ask for a certification or licensure for chess coaches and teachers? I know, I know this is way too advanced an issue for the current stage of the chess development in our country. Forward thinking anyone?

My fear is that professionals or those whom we call as licensed practitioners of their chosen field, would simply look into the chess world as uncertified/unlicensed field of experts. Undocumented facilitators bordering on blind leading the blind.

Or maybe TESDA? Technical Education and Skills Development Authority provides certification for citizens who are inclined and in the field of skilled work.

It's like when one applies for a chess coaching job and the would-be employer looks for a proof that one can coach or teach chess what do we say?

Of course we have seasoned Filipino trainers and coaches in the field and I would love to see them given the piece of paper that says certified chess coach, signed and duly authorized by NAME OF CERTIFYING AGENCY.

Look into this.

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