Sunday, May 24, 2009


My blogging here for this week can be called "silenced" and not by anyone but my own addiction: Online Chess Tournaments. Well it was motivating enough to place second out of 20 players and then 4th out of 15 players. Guess I'd have to go back to basics and hit the books once again!

For now let me say hello and hi to all of our readers whose visits make it all worthwhile. Checking out my country visitors tracking badge, it gives me a great feeling of accomplishment to see that we've had all the seven continents covered. Nice for a blog that's less than six months old.

Facts: My flight back home is July 18 and my countdown has become even more exciting than before.

I'll be visiting Fes tomorrow and I can't wait to post photos from that trip. Alone I will be but I hope I can make the best of my planned solitary trip.

Check out Fes and you'll learn that it's one of the ancient cities of Morocco! How ancient it could be then? I will find out!


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