Monday, June 1, 2009

Iranian 2nd SIO Champ

Iranian GM Ghaem Maghami Ehsan captures the 2nd Subic International Open!

With seven points out of possible 9, GM Ghaem finishes the tournament on top solo and followed on second spot by an untitled (?) Xiu Deshun of China with 6.5 points. There were seven 6.5 pointers including Xie but as always, tie breaks were applied. Out of the top ten finishers we will find three Chinese (2nd, 3rd and 9th), four India (5th, 7th, 8th and 10th), Bangladeshi on 4th and Vietnamese on 6th.

Our beloved Filipinos chess players final rankings:
  • IM Richard Bitoon on 14th
  • IM Julio Catalino Sadorra 15th
  • GM Mark Paragua 19th
  • GM Jayson Gonzales 20th
  • IM Oliver Dimakiling 24th
  • NM Efren Bagamasbad 25th
  • GM Darwin laylo 26th
  • IM Rolando Nolte 29th
  • NM (?) Alexander Milagrosa 32nd
  • GM Bong Villamayor 33rd
  • IM Barlo Nadera 40th
  • NM (?) Emmanuel Senador 43rd
  • Edgar Reggie Olay 46th
  • FM (?) Emmanuel Garcia 47th
  • Paulo James Florendo 51st
  • Richilieu Salcedo 53rd
  • FM Randy Segarra 5th
  • Christian Arroyo 55th
  • Victor Lluch 56th
  • Ric Portugalera 57th
  • Rhobel Legaspi 59th
  • IM Rolando Andador 60th
  • IM Ronald Bancod 61st
  • John Ranel Morazo 65th
  • Karl Victor Ochoa 66th
  • NM Haridas Pascua 67th
  • Nelson Mariano III 68th
  • Daniel Causo 69th
  • Allan Diez 70th
  • Christopher Castellano 71st
Nothing much to say but continue to discipline yourselves and train regularly. Chess is a very difficult game and it helps to know that it becomes even harder playing in the international arena.

Our borders and our land has been conquered once again but our spirit should never break . We will rise from these and we will conquer international chess, one pawn push at a time!

Go Philippine Chess!

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