Sunday, May 31, 2009

Filipina Blog Reader

Hello there!

It's nice to know that there are readers of this blog who does the commenting and sharing of what they have experienced in Morocco. It is comforting too and a motivating tap on the back when a reader chimes in and gives you that necessary boost to continue this online journal.

For our Kababayan whom I'd like to call Ano Ny Mous, I wish I could say hi to the couple in Hay Riad for you but what would I tell them if they ask me from whom? Hahahh!

You can email me at and I'll tell them asap.

How are you and your family? Where are you living now?

Would you like to contribute and share your experiences here?

Again, thanks and hope to hear from you.

On now with our Sunday-sulking!

I have no plans to go out for the reason that I don't have enough Dirhams in my pocket. Someone borrowed 200 D's from me and until now I haven't received the payment so I'll have to wait 'till tomorrow in Ifrane to have my dollars changed, cambio is what they call it here.

What I'll do today?

I don't know but I will upload the artwork given to me by Mr. Rettino, the science teacher of my student from American School of Ifrane. What else? I might do another spring time-going home time room cleaning but my scheduled flight is on July 18 so it's too early to do the packing right?

I'll go out later and take photos of the farm probably in the afternoon and catch that melodramatic sunset view of the horizon.

Solitary soulful search of my exestence here.

Photos in awhile!

Bye for now!

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