Saturday, June 13, 2009

Deep Blue's Blemish

Hello again everyone!

The past two weeks I've been reading much about computer chess, it's history most specially. With the global chess industry amounting to millions of dollars, computer chess is in the frontline selling like hotcakes and giving the so-called geek millionaires enough reason to continue to spend their lifetime and "nerdity" in developing the best chess software in the world.

I was surprised to find an article on Man Versus Machine as a hoax, which brought me back to the times when the Loch Ness Monster was finally revealed as staged by one of it's perpetrators on his deathbed. My fantasies crumbled and my beliefs challenged until the time I believed no more and lived life outside of the fairy tale land.

Could it be true that the matches between deep Blue and Garry Kasparov in 1997 were all staged?

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