Friday, June 12, 2009

Chess 960 Please

I completely forgot about the Fischer Auction that happened the other day, June 10. Thanks to all those chess blogs for their posts. How I love the music that goes with the video, so calming and yet hopeful.

Since we're here now, I'd like you all to watch and look back at how the world's grandmasters viewed Bobby Fischer after his death at Chess.FM Blog post called Fischer Remembered.

Fischer's life has been sold but his contributions to the game will live forever. Something I got from the Fischer Remembered video:

"He has given more to us than what chess has given him..."

Something I wish FIDE take on is Chess 960 and mandate that it becomes the standard chess. It will definitely kill rote memorization of opening theories which has given the game that too scholarly air.

Here is another YouTube video about Fischer:

Don't you just love these sentimentalism over Bobby Fischer?

1 comment:

  1. Bobby is playing the best player of the Philippines during the 1960's, 7 time Philippine Champion, then Grandmaster and Atty. Rosendo Carreon Balinas, Jr. This is from the old diehard Meralco fans' account.

    In the middle of the film are Bobby and Balinas' close up pictures. Bobby was not looking good as he was in the defensive through out the game. And Balinas was looking sharp and smiling towards the end knowing that he almost mated Bobby. You can see Balinas' connected two rooks in front of Bobby's king at the end of their pictures.

    The Meralco old timers said that the crowd who witnessed Bobby's almost defeat from Balinas rushed the stage, while the two players were analyzing and signing their score cards. You can see in the film the happy faces of the crowd.

    But of course Bobby did not lose a single game to the other top Philippine players. He beat Ruben Rodriguez, Roumel Reyes, Ramon Lontoc, Glicerio Badilles, Renato Naranja, and others.

    Thanks again for posting the pictures. Lots of happy Filipino old timer fans of Bobby Fischer and Rosendo Balinas. We are sure they are having fun up there, playing heavenly chess.


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