Sunday, October 18, 2009

FICS Revisited

After Friday's simultaneous chess exhibition by Paulo Bersamina at Mahatma Gandhi International School in cooperation with the PE Department and MGIS Chess Club, I had a field day Saturday morning until evening playing at FICS.

It's been awhile since I last played there and as far as I can remember, the last game I had there was during my bored to death times in Morocco. Anyways, I'll share the game moves with you. I lost a lot of games yesterday with time controls of 5/g, 3/g and 2/g. Nobody wants to play lightning with me at FICS and I don't know why.

I got really bad losses and there was one game when I was mated on the bank rank with two knights. Really bad! For a chess fan like me, I have nothing to lose but gain more experience playing the game online.

This game is one of the reasons why I stayed in front of my notebook the whole day:

Mudri 1459 Me 1455
5/G FICS 10/17/2009
  1. 1. e4 c6
  2. 2. Nf3 Qc7
  3. d4 d5
  4. Nbd2 Bg4
  5. Be2 e6
  6. 0-0 Bxf3
  7. Bxf3 Be7
  8. c3 Nf6
  9. e5 Nfd7
  10. Qc2 Na6
  11. Be2 b5
  12. f4 0-0
  13. f5 exf5
  14. Qxf5 c5
  15. Bxb5 Nb6
  16. Bxa6 c4
  17. b4 Na4
  18. Qf3 Bg5
  19. Nxc4 Bxc1
  20. Qxd1 Bh6
  21. Bb5 Nxc3
  22. Qd6 Qc8
  23. Ba6 Qg4
  24. Bb7 Rad8
  25. Qc6 Ne2+
  26. Kh1 Rxd4
  27. Nd6 Ng3+
  28. Kg1 Be3+
  29. Rf2 Bxf2+
  30. Kf2 Rd2+
  31. Kg1 Qd4#

0- 1

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