Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Comic Relief

For the past two weeks I have not had a good run here in Morocco for reasons I can't really post here. But today is different and it started with a good call from Alice, informing me her flight details and some side info's.

In the afternoon around 430, I played football with my ward around 30 minutes and damn it was tiring for someone who has chosen the path of the pear-shaped body. While resting and gasping for air, I saw someone made use of a Mercedes Benz C 270 as the football goal and practiced his goal kicks several times. of course I could not laugh out loud with this but I was really, really having fun quietly on my sit. To add to that, the guy just enjoys his moment while the driver of the car was so grumpy (who wouldn't be?) but just could not do anything about it.

Comic relief it was.

I guess the word for today is KARMA. I have witnessed twice today the revenge of KARMA. I can tell you the last one but the first I choose to shut up.

The crazy guy who made use of the Benz as his football goal was later brought to the clinic to fix his bruises on his left hand. He stepped on the ball while trying to hit that imaginary Euro Cup kick of his and came down on the floor.

Oh well!

My WANA subscription expired today so I'm using my boss' Internet connection.

Am going now have a good night! Laughter really is a medicine for all times!

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